Saturday, August 29, 2009

'Migration' open house at Lake Bluff

On Saturday, Sep 12 there will be hikes in morning and afternoon with experienced birders, a hot dog lunch and exhibits/lierature from local and regional environmental angencies and organizations.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Audubon August Meeting

Last night's program was sparsely attended (only 8 attendees) but was excellent nonetheless as Mark Mantych discussed the work of Manistee's Ducks Unlimited work. Most of Mark's program consisted of answering questions from the group regarding work on the Manistee Marsh, Arcadia Marsh, landowner wetland conservation and waterfowl migration.

It was a great evening to hear about the history of the Manistee River delta and all the changes resulting from Lake Michigan water levels, the changes in the Tippy Dam outflow, and the impact of Mute Swans and increasing Canada Geese populations. From Mark's work and efforts of Ducks Unlimited, the DNR, the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, and the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy it looks like the Manistee and Arcadia Marsh lands may again be productive for everything from turtles to Black Terns, Green-winged Teal and River Otters.

It was fascinating hearing about the vast migrations of waterfowl on Lake Michigan including sightings of the eider pictured above and the movements of ducks determined by the full moon.