On Saturday September 26 Brian Allen of the Manistee Audubon Society led a field trip of about 12 participants from Benzie Audubon and the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy to the grasslands at the Arcadia Dunes Preserve along Keillor Rd. in Manistee County. The trip was billed as a concentration on migrating sparrows and the conditions of sunny skies and light winds made it a great day. We saw eleven species of sparrows including: Savannah, Song, Vesper, Swamp, Field, Chipping, Clay-colored, Lincoln's, Grasshopper, White-crowned, and White-throated. Other birds seen including fly-overs were Golden Plover, American Pipits, Lapland Longspurs, Orange-crowned Warbler, Palm Warblers, Sandhill Cranes, and a Harrier.
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