Green Point Nature Area looking south towards Manistee County.
Programs located at Lake Bluff unless noted otherwise.
Call Sanctuary at 231.723.4042 for more info.
Aug. 21 Butterfly Hike program 2:30-4pm
Sept. 7-10 Migration Week. Sanctuary tours, bookstore open to 9pm, film screenings, hikes.
Sept. 8. Manistee Audubon Meeting 7PM. Program Native Plants given by Plant-It-Wild.
Sept. 11 Migration Celebration. 9am - 2pm. Displays, programs, kike, free lunch.
Sept. 25 Fall Mushrooms, program 9-11 am.
Sept. 25 Second option! Fall migrants at the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy grassland preserve near Arcadia in Manistee County. Join members of the conservancy and Benzie Audubon for this joint field trip to explore the grasslands a unique Michigan preserve. Meet at 8am at the kiosk and parking area on Keillor Rd. about 1 mile north of Glovers' Lake Rd. between US 31 and Arcadia.
Oct. 13 Manistee Audubon, 7PM Film: Hummingbirds.
Oct. 23-24 Trail Maintenance Workshop inManiste National Forest. Requires pre-registration.
Nov. 6 Gull Identification Program.
Nov. 10 Manistee Audubon , 7pm . Program Soils. Annual Potluck Dinner and elections of officers.
Nov. 20. Basics of Bird Feeding program 10-11:30.