Join us for the traditional beginning of the spring birding season here in Manistee County. We'll meet at Sunset Park ( the end of Glover's Lake Rd. at the beach on Lake Michigan in the village of Arcadia) at 8:00.
From here we will carpool with leaders Brian Allen or Carl Freeman (from Benzie Audubon) and venture forth to the marsh, lakefront, fields and forest in the area including the Arcadia Dunes Preserve.
Dress warmly, temps may be in the 40's and it's almost always windy! Bring binoculars and a scope if you have them. Our focus is on helping all see and learn the migrant and resident birds of the area. For any questions call Brian Allen days at 723-9911 or eve. (before 9:00PM) at 723-7956. Looking forward to seeing you there!